The Wild Stallion

1932 July 12 - 13

Created by Linda 11 years ago
JD loved learning to ride Ole Jegger. It didn't matter how many times he got thrown off the saddle, until one steamy hot summer day in 1932. JD was only a kid, about 12 years old, with the same contacious sense of humor he had everyday of his life. Only on this day, JD's humor was challenged by the wrath of Ole Jegger. Jegger was particularly sensitive on this day for some reason. He just seemed not to be interested in JD's desire to learn horse back ridding. Jegger just wanted to be left alone. But Nooo.... JD just wouldn't hear of it. He tried ridding with one leg in the stirrups and the other kicked straight up in the air. He tried sitting on the saddle backwards -- something he had seen in an old western movie and thought it was really cool. Then he tried standing straight up on the saddle without even holding the reigns. BIG MISTAKE! That's when Ole Jegger stood up on his hind legs and JD went tumbling to the ground. With Grandma and Grandpa Donalds watching anxiously to see if JD would get up before being trampled to death, JD starts laughing histerically, as he rolled his body across the field further and further away from Jegger. Jegger looked JD eye-to-eye as to say, "I get the funny feelin' you laughin' at me." "And it ain't nice you laughin' at me thata way." In a split second Jegger went charging towards JD. JD's silly grin on his face and that contacious laughter suddenly stopped. All Grandma and Grandpa could hear was Jegger's hoofs crashing down on the ground with lightening speed towards JD, in between the echoing thunder of JD's heart as he panics to get out of Jegger's path. Finally, JD rolls his body under the fence out of Jegger's reach. Grandma and Grandpa were so angry with JD, they both turned beet red. JD was so relieved that he was now safe from Jegger's rage that he wet his pants laughing that uncontrollable, contacious laugh of joy; and Grandma and Grandpa Donalds couldn't help but to laugh too. That's the way it always ends with JD -- in joy and laughter. :)